Skardash has used some of the money from tribute to complete basic improvements on the castle. The stone perimiter wall is complete, and stands on an embankment immediately inside a perimiter trench. The entrance is a gap in the wall with a wooden gate and a simple plank bridge across the trench. The interior of the castle has basic furnishings, and Skardash has installed wooden doors with simple locks.
Castle Granis standing army
Answering Grim's call, orcs and goblins from across the fiefdom have been coming to Castle Granis to be trained as the standing army. Twenty orcs and forty goblins have arrived, swelling the castle's standing army. Thanks to the training, the orcs and goblins are 2nd-level warriors. The standing army now comprises:
60 goblins (2nd-level warriors) armed with morningstars. 20 are also armed with light crossbows.
2 goblin worg-riders.
20 orcs (2nd-level warriors) armed with falchions.
5 ogres armed with greatclubs.
A few of the new recruits have brought families with them, swelling the castle's non-combatant population to 90 (80 goblins and 10 orcs). The larger population, and the fact that most of the males spend their time in military training, mean that Granis village is no longer producing enough food to support itself but is reliant on food given as tribute by the rest of the region.

Sir Ivan's use of detect evil on a random sampling of the population indicates that roughly two-thirds of Grim's subjects register faintly as evil. (This is typical for a Droaam monster population.) Orcs and ogres are slightly more likely to be evil than goblins, and males than females. Among the population of Castle Granis itself, which Grim has directly influenced with his policies, evil is slightly less prevalent.
As a comparison, among human populations, even in communities dominated by the Silver Flame, around a fifth to a third of the population registers as evil. The Church does not teach that creatures of evil alignment should automatically be persecuted.
Religion plays only a minor role in the lives of most people of the region. Those inhabitants that are religious dedicate themselves to one or both of two gods: the Shadow and the Mockery. Although these gods are both evil, worshippers of the gods are as likely to be in the non-evil minority as other people in the region.
The Mockery is the Neutral Evil god of treachery over honour, and is worshipped primarily by the orcs and the more militaristic goblin warriors. Valdash, Kardash and Skardash all worship the Mockery.
The Shadow is the Chaotic Evil god of dak magic, and is worshipped mainly by goblin non-combatants. Village healers tend to invoke the Shadow if they pray to any god. Zurga still wears a small holy symbol of the Shadow, although it has become more a good luck charm to her than a symbol of religious devotion.
The Church of the Silver Flame teaches that both the Mockery and the Shadow are evil gods and their worship should be opposed. Individual worshippers should be converted rather than killed if possible, but priests of the Shadow and the Mockery are enemies of goodness and should be destroyed.
Terrain and wildlife
The region consists of rocky hills with very little plant life apart from scrubby grass. Various monsters have their lairs in caves throughout the landscape, sometimes preying on the inhabitants' flocks of goats but generally leaving the humanoids themselves alone. Monstrous inhabitants include chimeras, griffins, worgs, and behirs.
Your fiefdom is bordered:
On the north by the Byeskh mountains, which separate Droaam from the forested nation of the Eldeen Reaches.
On the west by the civilized nation of Breland.
On the east by the territory of another Droaam warlord, about whom you know nothing except that she is a medusa, and that her seat of power is the castle of Grimstone Keep.
On the south by the territory of the city of Graywall, one of Droaam's two major cities.
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