Grim, Verschoyle, Zumm and Ug
Valdash, orc Fighter 5
Zurga, goblin Wizard 1
Merred Nastor, human Cleric 1
4 ogres
Skardash, goblin Ranger 2
Thurzar, goblin Rogue 2
18 goblin trainees (most have reached 2nd-level Warrior)
20 goblin 1st-level Warriors
10 goblin 1st-level Warriors captured from Jalahand's tribute-collection forces
2 Worgs being trained to carry riders
3 ogres from Jalahand's tribute-collection party being held prisoner
60 goblin non-combatant women and children
1 battle-wagon with 4 heavy horses
The trench
The four ogres, and most of the able-bodied goblins who are not being trained, are digging a 20ft-wide and 20ft-deep trench in front of the castle. As of 26 Rhaan it is nearly finished, having reached its full width and length but only 15ft deep. The bridge is 10-ft wide and built of heavy tree trunks. The ends of the trench have slopes so that the workers can get in and out easily. Valdash wants to know what you want done with all the earth that has been excavated: at the moment they're piling it in a mound beside the castle out of the way, but they could just as easily build it into a berm or a rampart.
The well
Progress on the well is slow even with magical assistance from Ug. A team of five goblins are working on it, one of them digging at the bottom of the pit and the other four taking bucketloads of rocks outside the castle. No one knows how deep the water table is and therefore how long the well will take to dig.
The prison
The ten goblins who came with the tribute collection party have been put to work on the trench, but the three ogres are kept in the second room of the vault behind a makeshift wooden barrier. The workers on the well also act as guards and will raise the alarm if they try to escape.
Castle rooms
Valdash has taken the liberty of having some goblins make very simple furniture for the castle (tables, chairs and beds), but there are still no internal doors.
I have marked the castle plan with various characters' room, assuming that all the player characters want rooms to themselves. Naturally you can specify a different arrangement if you like.

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