Wednesday 11 July 2007

XP in the Tomb of Dragith Nurn

Grim, Verschoyle, Sir Ivan and Paik, along with Zurga, Hurgadar and Primrose, travelled to the Tomb of Dragith Nurn in order to put the spirit of Merred Nastor to rest and to slay the bearded devils they had picked a fight with previously. When there, they encountered several creatures which they converted into sweet, sweet XP.

At the chasm, the party found a strange-looking orc sorcerer being instructed in fiendish fire magic by a roaring column of flame. They dispatched him, but Zurga was killed by his fireball. Verschoyle was distraught and immediately resolved to take her back to Graywall to have her reincarnated.

After that, the party assaulted the bearded devils and defeated them, largely thanks to Sir Ivan's holy power. (His class feature allowed him to overcome their damage reduction.)

Sir Ivan led the party in the Incantation of Peace, the Silver Flame ritual designed to lead the soul of a dead warrior of the church to its final rest. The ritual succeeded, and Merred Nastor's spirit was drawn into a Khyber dragonshard.

Verschoyle teleported to Graywall with Zurga's body and paid for her to be reincarnated. To the dismay of both of them, her soul returned in the body of a male dwarf.

Meanwhile, the rest of the party had to stay the night at the bottom of the chasm until Verschoyle came back for them. During the night they encountered a bone devil, which they easily converted into delicious XP.

Fiendish fire sorcerer: 1,125 XP each.
Bearded devils: 375 XP each.
Incantation of Peace: 250 XP each.
Bone devil: 500 XP each.
Total: 2,250 XP each.

Theoretically, Verschoyle shouldn't get XP for the bone devil since he wasn't there. But I like everyone to level up at the same rate so I am ruling that he gets the same amount as roleplaying XP for his reactions to Zurga's death.

The XP you get for the Incantation of Peace is the XP value of the spectre you would have had to fight if it had gone wrong.

You are all either going up a level next session, or you're nearly there. Hurgadar has gone up a level (assuming that Grim has as well because his level has to stay 2 below Grim's).

Reincarnation caused Zurga to go down a level, but she gained almost enough XP this session to go up one, so I am ruling that she (or rather he) is still level 3. Mechanics-wise, coming back as a dwarf has I think on balance weakened her: she has a few extra hit points, but her reduced strength and larger size category means her AC has gone down by 2.

There's more where they came from...

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