Wednesday 26 September 2007

The End

It seems not enough people can make it for a final session to be worthwhile, so that's it for the D&D campaign. For the sake of closure, here's what I reckon happens to your characters.

Lord Grim and the kingdom
Tensions between Grim's fiefdom and the neighbouring warlords rise until a war breaks out between Castle Granis and the medusa warlord Vish. A huge army of gnolls, orcs, ogres and trolls assaults Castle Granis, but Grim's small, highly trained army wins the day. There are rumours that the Daughters of Sora Kell, overlords of Droaam, sent forces to aid in the attack in order to remove the troublesome warforged, but these are never more than rumours. If they are true then the Daughters must have conceded defeat, because the victory the Daughters appoint Grim regional governor over all the surrounding warlords and grant him near total autonomy in running his fiefdom.

Grim becomes a key player in the transition of Droaam from a lawless wilderness to a functioning nation state. His harsh but fair rule and his decent treatment of even the lowliest goblins make Castle Granis a beacon of progressive values that helps shape the development of the nation. At the same time, Grim's army of highly trained goblins and orcs becomes the hammer with which the new nation is forged. Eventually, after winning either the respect or the fear of every Droaam warlord, he leads an uprising of warlords against the Daughters of Sora Kell themselves and becomes the ruler of the nation.

Grim rules Droaam for nearly a century, by the end of which time he and his personal army are the stuff of legend. But his skills become less and less relevant to the more peaceful and civilized nation that comes into being, and he eventually steps down to be succeeded by the great-great-grandson of Skardash. No one knows for sure where he went after this, but soon afterwards the demonic monsters that had periodically plagued the countryside near the Tomb of Dragith Nurn vanished. Legends persist that the sleepless warlord now sleeps beneath the ground, holding shut the entrance to the underworld, but that if ever the nation of Droaam was under threat he would return to lead the armies to more glory.

Sir Ivan and Horgar Horgar
Shortly after the assault on Castle Granis, Sir Ivan and Horgar are recalled by the Church to deal with a new threat, and over the next decade they put down many demonic incursions and undead cults. Sir Ivan becomes a recognized champion of the church, although Horgar's species prevents him from receiving the same amount of recognition.

Both are killed in battle years later when an enormous demon breaks free of Khyber and attacks the capital of Thrane itself. As paladins fall left and right, Horgar breaks through the terrified guards who are trying to keep civilians at bay and joins Sir Ivan in battle. While Horgar engages the monster's attention, Sir Ivan uses all his holy powers to destroy the demon.

The fiend's explosive death throes destroy both Sir Ivan and Horgar. From the ruins of the cathedral, the head of the church declares them both to be saints, and the images of the pair of them in battle becomes a popular decoration on paladins' shields.

Paik also leaves Castle Granis after the assault, travelling to the city of Graywall and losing himself in its crowded streets. Nothing is known for certain of his fate, but for years afterwards Castle Granis would occasionally be visited by bards – each one with a different name and face, but all clutching the same battered lute and playing the same repertoire of tunes to the acclaim of the goblin crowds.

Verschoyle and Zurga leave the castle in order to find a way to transform Zurga back into a goblin. Together they discover an underground complex filled with magical artefacts used by the Daelkyr for their transformation magic.

After days of study, they discover how to revert Zurga to her previous form. But that is not all: the arcane writings hint at even greater power to be found in other locations across the world. After completing his translation of the writings, Verschoyle sets out to find these other ruins. He leaves Zurga behind; it is clear that the creatures and magical energies involved in Verschoyle's quest could obliterate a mere apprentice in an instant, and Verschoyle does not want to risk Zurga's life again.

Verschoyle's quest for arcane power takes him to remote locations around the world and even to other planes of existence. He sometimes recruits the help of other adventurers, but increasingly he travels alone, as his capabilities grow further and further beyond those of ordinary mortals. Eventually he does marry, however, after he meets a female human wizard whose powers come astonishingly close to his own.

After decades of magical exploration and adventure, Verschoyle and his wife simply disappear. They were last heard of exploring the lost continent of Xen'drik, where Verschoyle believed he had discovered a great laboratory used by ancient mages to experiment with time itself.

While Zumm's body remains in suspended animation in the Val'druusk observatory, the goblin monk's spirit roams the infinite planes of existence. For many years he trains with alien martial arts experts in the plane of perfect order, honing his skills to eventually take his place in the cosmic struggle between Order and Chaos.

Mavik Hilford
After leaving the party, Mavik goes to live with the goblin necromancer Vurdak Deathlord, and together they undertake unspeakable experiments in undeath. Vurdak is eventually killed by crusading adventurers, but Mavik escapes and sets up his own dark tower in the Byeshk mountains. Towards the end of his natural life he uses his dark arts to undergo the foul transformation into a lich, and then fortifies his tower with undead minions, traps and spells in order to ensure the safety of his phylactery. Many adventuring parties try to steal the treasures that Mavik has accumulated in his tower; whether any eventually succeed is another story.

The warforged cleric Faithful is one of the many casualties in the same battle that claimed Sir Ivan and Horgar. Although he is not proclaimed a saint like the heroes who struck the final blow, the church does make the ground breaking announcement that, although warforged do not naturally have souls, they can acquire them, and that Faithful had earned the right to join with the Silver Flame after death.

After Verschoyle helps Zurga return to her goblin form, she moves back in to Castle Granis and becomes Grim's advisor and court wizard. Although she rarely goes on adventures, she continues to slowly grow in power. She takes on a number of apprentices of her own, forming the beginning of an order of mages that provides magical support to Grim's armies for several generations.

She is never truly happy, and even after the legal fiction of her marriage to Grim is dropped she never marries and has few close friends. Eventually, after her first apprentice is ready to take over the training of the castle's wizards by himself, she disappears. No one knows for sure where she went to, but one of the last document she was seen looking at was the map showing the location of the Daelkyr transformation laboratory.

Hurgadar remains at Castle Granis as Grim's right-hand man for several years, but his wanderlust eventually overtakes him and he leaves to form his own adventuring party. Letters occasionally arrive at Castle Granis telling of his exploits, each written in the hand of a different adventurer that the illiterate barbarian has dictated to it to. Over the years, however, the letter become less frequent and eventually cease. In the last one he relates that he has discovered a hitherto unknown tribe of humanoids with great innate magical talent, who worship a divine being known as the Varsholl which created their species thousands of years ago as a mere exercise in the development of its godlike power.

The letter ends by simply saying that Hurgadar is planning to venture into the uncharted jungle in search of a fabled city containing untold treasure... but that is another story.


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