Grim and Zumm toured the region, telling the people of the new ruler and his new policies: taxes would be reduced but must be delivered rather than collected, and anyone who wanted to could go to Castle Granis to be trained in the region's new army. Grim also recruited a cohort, Hurgadar. Hurgadar is a mongrelfolk (the product of generations of inter-breeding between many different humanoid races), and is an adventurous wanderer who agreed to travel with Grim in order to seek adventure. Grim and Zumm collected Verschoyle (plus Zurga and their new flesh golem) from Stoneskull, and the party returned to Castle Granis.
Some goblins attempted to assassinate Grim using warforged bane arrows, but Grim survived the attempt and the castle guard took care of the assassins. The party traced the plot back to the cleric Merred Nastor and his new disciples, who turned out to be hosts to parasitic tentacle creatures. Verschoyle took care of these with a spell, but the most powerful one (inhabiting Merred Nastor) escaped.

Using scrying, the party traced the tsochar to the tomb of Dragith Nurn, where they saw that he was in league with their arch-enemy E.K. The party travelled overland to the tomb, fought their way in through the dolgrim and dolgaunt guards, and finally killed E.K. and the tsochar in a magical fire-fight across the chasm.
EK had set up a lift, powered by an ogre slave, to the bottom of the chasm. The party descended to find that the guards at the bottom had fled. They found some treasure in boxes that EK's minions had helpfully retrieved from the caves.
Zumm went in to the cave of the bearded devils, touched a large crystal embedded in the wall, and was handed a secret note from the DM.
The party set off back to Castle Granis to wait there for the next plot hook to arrive.
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