Sunday, 25 March 2007

Timeline update

Sypheros 14Grim and Verschoyle arrive at Graywall with Ug's body, and take it to a gnoll druid that the mercenaries had recommended. However, Ug's soul refused to return.

Verschoyle befriends Graywall's most powerful wizard (or at least its most powerful commonly-known wizard), Tharrad Katarn.

Grim and Verschoyle also managed to locate the cleric Merred Nastor who had gone missing on his shopping trip to Graywall. A goblin bowmaker had noticed his poorly-concealed Silver Flame symbol and tipped off the arena guards. He was due to be executed in the arena the next day. Verschoyle enters the arena in order to fight on his behalf and spends the night hin the cells. Meanwhile, Grim kidnaps the goblin bowmaker.
Sypheros 15In the arena, Verschoyle defeats the manticore that was due to kill Merred Nastor.

A bugbear scout from Darguun introduces himself to Grim and Verschoyle.

Verschoyle and Tharrad Katarn continue to swap spells.
Sypheros 16Grim leaves for where his army is camped.

Verschoyle begins crafting a headband of intellect.

Burr, the bugbear scout, introduces himself to Verschoyle again.
Sypheros 19Tharrad Katarn teleports Verschoyle and Burr to the army camp, where Grim is just arriving.
Sypheros 20The Battle of Stoneskull. Grim's army defeats Jalahand and Grim becomes warlord of the region. Burr is killed by a trap.
Sypheros 21The party receives a letter saying that the Daughters of Sora Kell endorse Grim's rulership of the region. Grim and Zumm embark on a tour of the region. Verschoyle and Zurga begin creating a flesh golem.
Aryth [November] 20Grim finishes his tour and arrives back at Stoneskull to pick up Verschoyle, who has finished his flesh golem.
Aryth 21Grim, Zumm, Verschoyle and Zurga arrive back at Castle Granis...

It's immune to magic

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