Total population: 3,000 (approx. 70% goblins, 15% orcs, 10% ogres, 5% mongrelfolk)
Notable towns
Castle Granis
Ruler (when Grim is away): Skardash, goblin ranger
100 goblins (inc. 20 trained warriors and 20 ordinary warriors)
4 ogres
Merred Nastor (Cleric of the Silver Flame)
Ruler: Valdash, orc fighter
800 goblins (inc. 300 warriors, 20 elite guards, a blacksmith and a healer)
10 orcs (inc. 4 warriors)
Ruler: Kardash, orc fighter
500 goblins (inc. 200 warriors and a healer)
Settlements range in size from a dozen goblins to a few hundred, with none being larger than Garduk. Goblin villages are ruled by either orcs or ogres, or sometimes both (in which case the ogres lord it over the orcs and the goblins are slaves to both). Most settlements have a healer. Chieftains are generally experienced fighters and some have trained elite guards, but none are more powerful than Valdash or Kardash.
Leadership among the orcish rulers is hereditary, and the majority of chieftains are part of Valdash's extended family. There is no single head of the family. Leadership among ogre-dominated villages goes to the strongest by combat and rarely passes down in a family. There are no villages with a goblin chieftain, although sometimes an orc warlord may have an experienced goblin as a trusted advisor.
As you tour the region, reactions to the change of rulership range from indifference to happiness. The only mild voices of dissent are from ogres who are unhappy that the ogre mage warlord has been replaced by a non-ogre. Most of the civilians have never seen a warforged before and think that Grim is an orc who never takes his armour off, although some experienced fighters who have done mercenary duty recognize him as a warforged. The announcement that the taxes are being lowered is universally greeted with happiness. In general, your rule is off to a good start.
The region is 100 miles across at its widest point. It is bordered on the west and south by other warlords' territories, on the east by Breland, and on the north by the Eldeen Reaches and the Byeshk Mountains. (Blue lines on the map indicate regional boundaries and red lines national ones.) The region is barren and rocky, and the area around Garduk is the only place where crops can reliably be grown. Well-worn dirt tracks link all the settlements; the only one that could reasonably be called a road runs from Stoneskull to Graywall, passing close to Castle Granis.
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